God above all else

There is no better antidote to all that bedevils us than to cultivate a deep faith, hope and trust in God.

Dalgado and the Konkani-Marathi Controversy

Dalgado helped put to rest issues that were plaguing Konkani ever since a Scotsman had questioned its independence over a century earlier.

The Other Side of Love

To love does not mean to suspend critical judgement about men and matters. We ought to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Guardians de Goa

We are very fortunate to be part of the Revista, which also strives to be a guardian of Indo-Portuguese culture.

Guardiães de Goa

Temos a boa sorte de fazer parte desta Revista, que se esforça a ser também guardiã da cultura indo-portuguesa.

Cutting against the grain

Nowadays, it is more about pleasing ourselves than about pleasing God; and those who stand by Him are considered out of step with the times.

God’s Spirit beckons

We are spirit and matter, and what really matters is the spirit. Whoever dodges the spirit will regret their folly.

Governed by God

Countries that pride themselves on having governments ‘of the people’ can’t hold a candle to what were once upon a time governments ‘by God’!

From old Baal to a new Babel?

All three Readings of today challenge us to understand our Faith without beating about the bush; they are as forthright as forthright can be.